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CodeKit 2.8

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Name: CodeKit for Mac
Version: 2.8
Language: English 
Release Date: 29 Apr 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version:OS X 10.8 or later 
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit

Includes: Patch

More info: http://incident57.com/codekit/index.html

CodeKit helps you build websites faster and better. 

・Compile Everything: - Process Less, Sass, Stylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, Javascript, and Compass files automatically each time you save. Easily set options for each language. 

・Live Browser Reloads: - Instantly see changes in your browser, with animation and without hitting the refresh button or installing plugins. Great for tweaking layouts! 

・Combine and Minify: - Reduce load times by mashing Javascript and CoffeeScript files together and then minifying with Uglify.js. It's so easy, you'll giggle like a schoolgirl. Seriously. 

・Optimize Images: - Losslessly reduce JPEG and PNG file sizes with one click and see the savings. One less thing to do at deployment. (More compression options coming soon!) 

・JSHint and JSLint: - Makes debugging scripts fun and easy. Instantly find that one hanging comma that kills IE, or enforce coding styles and best practices across teams. 

・Team Collaboration: - Sync project settings across teams and computers in an open JSON format. Keep everyone on the same page or easily jumpstart new sites. 

・Easy Frameworks: - Keep just one copy of a file on your drive and easily use it across many projects without worrying about file paths. No more copying files into every new site. 

・It Just Works: - There's nothing to install or configure. No mucking around the command line. Just run the app and start working. It's that easy. 

What's New in Version 2.8:
・Safari Tech Preview is now an option for the Preview Browser.

・You may need to change the Output Module type for your TypeScript files from commonJS to system after this update, due to a change in the TypeScript compiler.

Component Updates 
・Libsass --> 3.3.6 
・MultiMarkdown --> 5.2 
・Less --> 2.6.1 
・Stylus --> 0.54.4 
・TypeScript --> 1.8.10 
・Jade --> 1.11.0 
・Uglify.js --> 2.6.2 
・Autoprefixer --> 6.3.6 
・Bourbon --> 4.2.7 
・Bourbon Neat --> 1.7.4 



Name CodeKit_v2.8.zip
Size 51.76 MB
Created on 2016-05-02 00:17:17
Hash 1ff2a1069d9cfc327fb1f87a6caf4f54cc99d930
Files CodeKit_v2.8.zip (51.76 MB)

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